Hi there. As usual a lot going on lately.
Max is really getting those 5s dialed. He is developing at light speed since kindergarden started. Basketball league coming up next month for dude. Just got our halloween costumes yesterday. Max is going for D. Vader and Miss is going for a kitty. classic.
Bowling league started this week. Team name - Bow & the Arrows. Shredder and I came up with it. Aaron Bow being the leader of our team. He's not all the way siked on the name but we love it. Stay tuned for a tshirt graphic. Gunna get the curve dialed this season.
Confirmed our trip to NYC this week. We are going in late February.
Art Section:
Check out ARE apparel. Heather's got a good thing going here. Western snaps plus hoodies plus graffiti plus mentoring equals that is awesome. Good eye Heather.
Fred Zietz, check his site. He does sculptures using car parts. Also see the previous posting of when Max snapped some picts over at his house.
Bordo Bello. Beautiful Board art show coming up. I will be participating. My friend Elysia is organizing this.
Somebody graffitied up our Billboard already. Who does that? Seriously. Somebody on Alameda and Sheridan thats who. We have received mixed reactions on this one. I have to warn you the photo is pretty creepy and for the record we don't abuse our children. For a good cause people, volunteer, donate. Twas an enlightening experience. Famous. Also see the print ad version in 5280 and Westword. More picts to come of the boards. The tagged one was taken by the Art Director's cell phone as he drove by in the car.
Hot Wheels is coming out with a Delorean. Max and I have kind of layed off the Hot Wheels, but this may bring us out of retirement. Here's an e b a y sale for a japanese version. Its hard to find a picture of the US version to come.
Please keep Ryan Hulsey in your thoughts and prayers.
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