Here's the 3000 bottle we did for the Sandlot. Designed by Srey Pen. So proud to be involved in this one. And thanks to the Sandlot for letting me help out with filling bottles. I saw this one through from beginning to end. From design to art production to printing to filling to labeling to photoshoot. Thanks Kev Dog for setting me up. Great beer too. Papa, we will be enjoying one of these soon.
Also peep the bordo bello preview. That's my set. All hand done and lacquered up. This is my 3rd year of participation. 4th annual for bordo bello. If you are in the denver area it's Sept 30. Come on out and support yall.
Lastly, warning and keep your eyes peeled....robots are the new zombies. Shredder said it and I think he's on to something. New York Shitty is daily entertainment. Don't try to keep up but catch up when you can.
And if ya don't know.. now ya know
This sign is off Broadway. So tight. Jan took this on the way to get the "ac".
"bow moma"