So last time we left off in the middle of a tornado or something like that. We had a couple branches come down and maybe a couple hail dents, but nothing major. Yesterday we had a contractor come look at our roof. Can't complain though when you see carnage like this. My buddy Fred had around 5 monstrous trees come down on his property. Luckly no one was hurt. Max and I spent yesterday over there helping with trips to the dump and cleaning up. Weo found his love for photography and snapped of around 300 photos. Stay tuned for links to some of Max's picts... such good content over at Fred's house with sculptures and old cars.
Plus last night we got around 1.5 inches of rain. Right around the average annual rainfall for Denver. I had to get the pail out again and bailout our back porch. Crazy weather. Great summer so far.
Today we went to Buffalo Bill Days in Golden. Great car show so Weo was siked and Mr. Photographer was at it again with the camera. Great material. Also stay tuned (gotta sort through these). We did some carnie rides. Max maned up to the "mount rushmore" bouncy castle slide. Way proud of him on this one and way sad that camera was dead. Dude wore it out with 300 yesterday and the 120 today. But anyway this was one where you cross your arms and legs and lean back. Dude climbed right up without hesitation and bombed down. Then he got up and did it again, without hesitation. On the last one he went head over heals at the end and the carnie wonders.. you alright dude? and dude was like..."Wooooo". So fun to be 5.
Golf Update:
- 47 last friday with the integer am league. Shredder and I played with Moyers (vp)
- "the annual" round is coming up and Jesse has named it 2 man teams "best ball" (play your ball all the way through, take the best score from each hole for the team) Should be a great time with around 20 people signed up. stay tuned.
Apologies for the lack of links but look for some big sets early this week.
Check it:
Love me some Street Art
6 years today. Love you Brady!! So much.